August 17, 2011

Pint Sized and Fabolous

I was watching E News as I do everyday. And, a story of a 10 year old model sparked my interest. Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau made headlines for her racy photo shoot for French Vogue, which reignited a debate about sexualization with young girls. For some, in the fashion industry, the sultry stare in the photo's from the pint sized model made some drool, but left other parents outraged. The high heels, makeup and haute couture questions how appropriate these photos are for a minor. Some called her model spread "sad and repulsive" while others say they found nothing sexual about her photos. I would have to agree. I thought her photos displayed professionalism and experience beyond her years. This little lady is pint-sized and fabulous! I see a star in the making! Remember, you heard that HERE!

Here are a few photos from the shoot - Some images were removed from the this is all I could find. : (





On to thee next -

Over the weekend, I was invited to Tamia's Annual Summer Cookout. I love attending Tamia's cookout. I think every year it gets bigger and grand-er (is that a word?) There is an array of food and drinks, and I get to catch up with old friends and bond with new ones. Drinks were flowing and the DJ was jamming. So, of course that lead to some adult games and dancing!!

I love my Benny Ben Ben!

Tye and Tiff - Tye is expecting!!! I'm so happy 4 her!! *tears*

Those old school tunes make you dance! Owww!!!

Me, the hostess and Sis

Smooches : )

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