March 31, 2011

Kiss Kiss

I was browsing thru one of my routine "trashy magazines"  (ya'll know I'm a sucker for the tabloids) and I saw pictures of my favorite celebrity couple; (The King & Queen of Hip Hop) aka Jay-z and Beyonce!! Tinseltown's Top celebrity couples, love them or hate them, we cant get enough. From ,Will and Jada to Brad and Angelina. These power duo's have a combination of good looks and impeccable talent. Not to mention a phat bank account! Needless, to say I am a fan of most of these couples.

Check below to see if your favorite couple made my Hottest Couple List -

10. Amy Winehouse and Blake Fiedler-Civil
ADDICTED TO LOVE - This co-dependent union is shared by a nourished addiction and tabloid gossip. While, their union maybe more detrimental to their rehabilitation. You have to love the commitment they have for one another. By the way, Amy's "Back To Black" album was awesome! #classic

9. Heidi Klum and Seal
THE ODD COUPLE - Everything about this couple is different. But, maybe opposites do attract? They have been very public about how they keep there relationship spicy!

7. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
BEST DRESSED - Jenny from the Block, finally found her prince charming. Only after, kissing a dozen frogs. Mr. and Mrs Anthony never cease to amaze me with their cohesiveness on the red carpet. Always fab!

6. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi
MRS AND MRS - I love this duo! The couple has been together for quite sometime and tied the knot a couple years ago. Portia was recently spotted wearing a shirt that said "I Love My Wife." Awwwww.....I Love them!

6. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher -
SHINING STARS - The 15 year age difference didn't matter to this cute couple. Demi and Ashton has proven that age, especially when the female is older, is just a number!

5. Victoria Beckham and David Beckham
THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE - This sexy pair appear to have so much in common. Did, I mention, they are a hot couple? David is sexy, sexy and more sexy. And, I'm a closet fan for the Spice Girls. Victoria was my Fav, Posh Spice for President! lol

4. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
MOST FAMOUS - This is one hot baby making duo. Whether, they are making them or adopting, you can't help but to keep your eye on this couple, or at least to see what country they will adopt their next baby from. lol

3. Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith
HOLLYWOODS SOLID COUPLE - Still going strong, after over 10 years of marriage. These two are a perfect example of how a marriage should work! Love them! You have to love the Fresh Prince and his Princess.

2. Beyonce and Jay-Z
THE BALLERS - My absolute fav couple! I'm a little bit of a stalker for these two! The songbird and hubby started making music together, then came marriage. "All I need in this world of sin, is me and my girlfriend." #cutestcouple

1. Michelle Obama & Barack Obama
THE 1ST COUPLE - Is it wrong that I want to be BFF's with the Obama's? The 1st lady and the most powerful man in America are by far the cutest and most popular couple. Their public display of affection, clearly shows the overwhelming  love they for one another. #BLACKLOVE

Smooches : )

March 30, 2011

The NightLife

Back in my hay-day, I did not miss a beat on the party scene. But, as the years fly by, and I mature with age; partying just isn't for me anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging with my dolls. However, its just a different crowd now and I don't  feel like I fit in anymore. Despite, my reservations, I always give it a chance, at least for the sake of my besties.

We were invited to a party hosted my Ray Rice on Friday night. While, I enjoyed no long lines or a less than mature crowd. I wasn't that impressed with the overall environment. Of course, Ray Rice and his crew were popping bottles all night. But while, women were rushing to get a glimpse of the Pro-Football Player & snap a picture. The girls and I played the background. Now, I have  met many celebrities. However, I have never been infatuated with the presence of  a celebrity. Let me keep it real, I have never and will never be a groupie. I mean, they breath and bleed just like me, the only difference is; they have about 6 more zeros in their bank account than I, and 10 million fans. lol

Now, I was star struck only one time in my young life. I saw Diddy in Las Vegas at a party. I didn't get the opportunity to meet him, because he had a entourage of body guards surrounding him. But, I was in close proximity and I was going crazy, (in my mind of course, because a true lady always keeps her composure). So I had to settle for a picture with Will.I.Am of the Black Eye Peas. (But I like him too). lol

I found the Picture!!! lol..

I don't care what you say about Diddy. I love his confidence and swag. I can respect a man that is as arrogant as he, especially if you hustle as hard as Mr. Combs. Respect the Hustle!!

Anyway, I did get a chance to snap a few pictures of that night...

Smooches : )

March 27, 2011

Does Hair Make The Woman

Summer is quickly approaching, and I have been thinking of a new short hairstyle. Last summer, I jumped into the pond with everyone else who decided to cut their hair. And, while it has grown back in length, I feel in need of yet another cut.

Hair is like an accessory. Even for most celebrities, hair is an important part of their image. Most, women attach more importance to hair, than clothes and shoes. You hair style is an expression of who you are.

So, I researched some trendy short hairstyles and posted the options below. I need  help in deciding which option would fit me best...

Option #1

Option #2

Option #3

Option #4

Option #5

Option #6

Option #7

Option #8
Option #9

Option #10

Option #11

Option #12

Option #13

Option #14
My preference would be numbers 6,2,9,7 in that order. What's a girl to do?????????

Smooches : )

March 20, 2011

Mardi Gras

What a weekend! Friday I spent my evening at home because I had to work Saturday morning. After work Saturday, I met Tonia and Nakita at the track to get a couple laps around. Yup, I'm still working on my Beyonce body. lol..Then home for a nap I went..... It's nothing like a cat nap, in the afternoon. A 30 minute nap always feels like you slept for 4 hours. So, I awoke refreshed and rejuvenated.

I went to Tamia's house for a get together/birthday celebration. The theme was Mardi Gras..However, no body parts were exposed to receive We played games and had some interesting conversations. Very interesting say the least we have a blast. And I have the pics to prove it!

Me and my Larry......

My Dolls : )


Hey Girls!


Get it Jo!

Larry smizzin with his eyes. lol

D' rubbing Ebonee's big belly!


While, the evening appeared to be fun and games. I received some horrible news via Facebook. A great friend and woman of God, Ms. Dee Goodin was called home to the Lord. I tried so hard to stay composed and not shed a tear. She had suddenly become ill awhile back. I knew she wasn't doing very well, and I had every intention to visit her. I just never fathomed that it would be so soon. Makes me think, how important it is to think about others before yourself. She has a beautiful daughter, and I cannot imagine the pain her family is going thru. I met Dee thru my church home and she has always been a diva and such a bright light. God has truly called home one of his angels and she will be missed. Please say a prayer for the Family!

FYI - It's always important to give someone their flowers while they can still smell them.

Smooches : )

March 19, 2011

Carried Away

This week Inspiration is Coutour Wedding Gowns.

So, I was at work having a conversation with my co-workers. And we were talking about the one and only  "Sex In The City." Now, of course I am a die hard fan! I have been following S&TC since day one. And, I still watch the series repeats as if I have never watched them 50 times already.

Anyway, the topic of conversation was Carrie's "wedding dress." Carrie's famous Vivienne Westwood gown was the highlight of the movie. The construction of the gown was impeccable and the layers were just the perfect touch! Even, the feather head-piece could not ruin her ensemble. It wasn't traditional and yet it was still classy. Very much like Carrie's character on the show.

Here is a picture of the gown straight off Vivienne Westwood's Autumn 2008 Runway Show -

And here are some images from the movie -

Love the Bride-Maids Gown, Perfection!
By the way, this scene was so heart-felt when Mr. Big left Carrie at the altar...I was crying like a baby :' (

Get'em Carrie!!!! The Bastard!! : (
Now, I have no idea why I have this sudden desire to look at wedding gowns. I'm sure my co-worker Tyrese has something to do with. I have no idea why she would place a wedding magazine on my desk. She's the one, as I was flipping thru the pages, I saw the most interesting wedding gowns. Now, who would have known that wedding gowns could be so fashionable. There are numerous gowns for every shape, size and color.

So, I found some gowns, they are Fabulous! And, I can just envision myself in one of these gowns...I can picture it now.....*Day dreaming*

I love this Head Piece!


One of my Fav! Love the detail...

  Ok, that's enough about Wedding Gowns : )

Smooches -