June 9, 2011

Team Gemini

Hey Cutie Pies!

I love 3 day weekends! Spent sometime with family, then with the besties. Attended some cook-outs, did a little shopping and had some QT with me, myself and I!!!!!!!! I could not ask for a better weekend.

 So, I began my weekend at Tatu's with the crew! Now, this was my 1st time at Tatu's. However, everyone had been there at least 2 or 3 times. And, I have to say I was impressed. The ambiance was intimate and the food was spectacular. Oh, and by the way, the decor was very chic! I loved the color scheme.....

Friday Night......................

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The waitress could not take this pic correctly?!!!?? smh

This is called a Scorpion Bowl - The waitress sets it on fire as she carries it to the table.
I wasn't able to capture the flames on camera. : (

Smooches : )

The Grand Finale - Cotton Candy! What a happy ending!!



Happy Birthday Dee!

Next, I had to celebrate my fellow Gemini and one of my fav guys in the whole wide world BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #TEAMGEMINI
Happy Birthday to a great, wonderful, distinguished, intelligent gentleman! I'm not going to put his government name all over the net.com. lol.

However, we all were invited to Dee's cookout at his home to help him celebrate his birthday. There was so much food and crabs! My eyes were bigger than my belly.

3 of the sexiest Gemini's!

Tiff and Teia.....

I am so blind! These are my real glasses. lol

Larry - Posing and smizing with his eyes! get it Tyra! lol

Hey Guys!!

I swear he was a model in his past life! lol

Camera whores! lol

We always get Larry to fire up the grill!! He burns it UP!!!

Miss Ray stopped thru - Happy.com to see her : )

The fellas - Looking Good!

My Carrin...lol...I think she was trying to Dougie! lol

Smooches : )

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