March 5, 2011

Black Love!

Black Love is so Beautiful! A week ago my family celebrated my Grandfather’s 70th Birthday with a surprise party. He said he did NOT want a party......Well, to bad!!!  Because you're getting a Birthday Party Because he deserves it.. Just a little background about my grandparents. Louis and Mary have been married for over 30 years. Wowzers!!

Which, in this era, is un-heard of…They are the perfect example of thick and thin, sickness and health and death due us part. I absolutely love my grandparents. Anyone can you tell that they are the most giving people in thee world. They would feed a stranger if he came knocking on the door. If they cant help you financially, they will be sure that you at least eat good. Lol…Hence, the extra 10 pounds I added to my hips over the last 2 years. I can always count on a home-cooked meal on Sunday, of course after church service.

Needless to say, Granddad enjoyed his birthday party. We invited over 50 of his closest family and friends, and every person attended. That weekend was hectic for me. I had to work early Saturday morning, pick up my Goddaughter, Taylah, pick up the cake and decorations. And make it to Aunt Debbie’s house, (party location) by at least 2:30pm to set-up decorations and prepare the slide show, which we never showed because the projector didn’t work…. Smh!! Now, granddad, has your typical men are not suppose to cry attitude. While, I did not see him cry, I knew he was crying inside. You could hear the appreciation in his voice. All the hard work that weekend was well worth the look on his face…Happy Birthday Louis Johnson and many more! See below a pic of the happy couple from wayyyyyy back in the day. lol..

                 Awww, Can't you feel the love!

I took some pics at the party and wanted to share a few with you. But of course, I used my sisters camera and it will take her forever to forward them to me. So, I will upload them later. Note to Self: Buy a new camera. Smooches : )


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