March 12, 2011

Biggest Loser

Losing weight can be such a challenge. The older you get the more difficult it is to loose the pounds. So for motivation and support, we started the "Biggest Loser" contest at work a month ago. And truth be told, we all FAILED.........smh....So we decided to start from scratch, AGAIN. The 2nd time is the charm......Every Monday we all got on the scale one by one, and there was really no astonishing weight lose, due to our un-balanced eating habits.

One reason, I'm not loosing the pounds could be these tasty Cinnamon Bun's that I eat for breakfast every morning. They are heaven in a box!!!! And I'm positive they are about 500 calories you can see there were four, and I only have one left....So, I'm going to toss the last

So Yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new lifestyle starts now, right now!!!!!!
I'm taking my life you can't have cupcakes, no cheesestakes, no Kit Kat bars.....
I'm claiming victory!!!

Oh, Sorry..........*Clears Throat* I got caught up in the moment.....


We decided to try it again and this time get serious. My goal is to loose 10 pounds, while others want to loose more. Now, I would tell you how much I weigh, but a lady never tells.

Just to provide a visual. This is my goal and how I wanna look...............

What?????? *Rolls Eyes* I can look like Beyonce......Watch me!!!

 I cannot be looking like Rasputia on the beach in a bikini scaring the children!!!!

I posted a BEFORE picture of Me, Nakita, Tonia and Tiff.
(My work-out crew).
Nakita & Tiff do not work with Tonia and I.........but they are thrilled to participate.

It's ME...... I look a hot


Tiff - She joined us on Day 2..

I will also post AFTER pictures in a couple of months. So you can really see the results!

DAY 1 of our work out regimen.......

Mile 2.................

 And guess who we saw flying pass us, getting his work out on???????

Jeff Johnson!!!!!!!

Hi Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson is a motivational speaker, journalist, TV personality, and political activist. He has made appearances on BET's Rap City and The Jeff Chronicles. I never really knew much about him, besides the fact that he is a BET correspondent until I did some further research. But he is an interesting individual. Jeff is very involved in the black community and takes the opportunity to share his knowledge and social contributions to better society. And that is amazing......Take a peak at his website and view his blog. It's very enlightening!!

Day 2................

UP the Hill we Go...

Tiff, Gettin' in the Ab Work....

By the Way, on Day 2...We walked 6 miles....wowzers!!!! Never Again!

Smooches : )


tamia said...

ok 1st of all ya'll left me 2nd the lake has a mini gym now omg i need 2 get back round... i'm with ya'll nxt go round....

Nakita said...

Let's get it in "-)

Unknown said...

Yup Mia, Come join us!!

Markia said...

Go ladies Go!! Who I'm I kidding...I need to go Lol

Unknown said...

That was very inspiring! keep up the great and off:-)