March 30, 2011

The NightLife

Back in my hay-day, I did not miss a beat on the party scene. But, as the years fly by, and I mature with age; partying just isn't for me anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging with my dolls. However, its just a different crowd now and I don't  feel like I fit in anymore. Despite, my reservations, I always give it a chance, at least for the sake of my besties.

We were invited to a party hosted my Ray Rice on Friday night. While, I enjoyed no long lines or a less than mature crowd. I wasn't that impressed with the overall environment. Of course, Ray Rice and his crew were popping bottles all night. But while, women were rushing to get a glimpse of the Pro-Football Player & snap a picture. The girls and I played the background. Now, I have  met many celebrities. However, I have never been infatuated with the presence of  a celebrity. Let me keep it real, I have never and will never be a groupie. I mean, they breath and bleed just like me, the only difference is; they have about 6 more zeros in their bank account than I, and 10 million fans. lol

Now, I was star struck only one time in my young life. I saw Diddy in Las Vegas at a party. I didn't get the opportunity to meet him, because he had a entourage of body guards surrounding him. But, I was in close proximity and I was going crazy, (in my mind of course, because a true lady always keeps her composure). So I had to settle for a picture with Will.I.Am of the Black Eye Peas. (But I like him too). lol

I found the Picture!!! lol..

I don't care what you say about Diddy. I love his confidence and swag. I can respect a man that is as arrogant as he, especially if you hustle as hard as Mr. Combs. Respect the Hustle!!

Anyway, I did get a chance to snap a few pictures of that night...

Smooches : )

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